In 1989, the western part of the Clos, the closest to the magnificent Erhlach forest, was planted with Chardonnay. We preferred this variety to the traditional Pinot-Blanc for a blend with Auxerrois, the other variety planted just opposite the Clos. These two grape varieties are early ripening, but above all, Chardonnay in a late situation such as Clos Windsbuhl, has the ability to retain a very good acidity. Today, most certainly, late ripening grape varieties would easily reach a good ripeness on the coolest part of the Clos, and in the current context, we would certainly have chosen Riesling and not Chardonnay. It would have been a shame because the Zind produced as a blend of Chardonnay and Auxerrois is also a very good indicator of this great limestone terroir. Unfortunately prohibited in still wine, Chardonnay must be declassified into Vin de France. As usual, this wine fermented for a whole year before becoming completely dry.